Useful Cleaning Hacks

With Lime Essential Oil

Author: Cure Oils Date: March 1, 2022  Tags: Recipes

Check Out These Easy Recipes With Lime Essential Oil

NOTHING SMELLS LIKE SPRING MORE THAN LIME ESSENTIAL OIL. Lime essential oil represents the freshness of Spring in a bottle. Just thinking of removing the lid and smelling the oil makes me happy and long for better weather.

Spring is just around the corner! I look forward to the warmer temperatures and longer days, all winter. When I begin to feel the need to clean, deodorize and organize. My LIME essential oil comes to the rescue. I am grateful that LIME essential is not only useful with is anti-microbial properties and health benefits but so pleasant to use.

I am sharing a few favorite ways to use LIME essential oil or any other citrus essential oils. See my FURNITURE POLISH and CARPET DEODORIZER recipes below.

Furniture Polish

1 oz Jojoba oil
10 drops LIME essential oil
Mix together in a glass jar and apply to wood furniture.

Carpet Deodorizer

1 cup or 1 box baking soda
20-30 drops LIME or LEMON essential oil
Combine essential oils and baking soda. Stir to remove any clumps.
Let the mix sit for about an hour to remove any moisture.
Sprinkle over carpets and rugs and let sit for 30 minutes. Then vacuum.


You can find all Lime Essential Oil and Jojoba Oil at

You can find additional ingredients at your local grocery store.